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Publication Title Comparative In-Vitro Activity of Fluoroquinolones Against Clinical Bacterial Pathogens Isolated from Central Hospital, Warri Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research, 21(1): 1 -10.
Publication Authors ISIBOR, C. N. and Ahonkhai I., (2022).
Year Published 4-11
Abstract Local sensitivity and resistance are important guides to help clinicians to make good choices in a given situation that demands the use of antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was carried on bacterial isolates from clinical specimens and ascertain their susceptibility to fluoroquinolones and other antimicrobial agents. A total of 260 clinical samples of urine, Sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, semen, aspirates, and swabs from wound, virginal, ear, and nose consecutively at the Central Hospital, Warri was examined using standard bacteriological techniques. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed using the standard disc diffusion method. A total of 118 bacterial isolates were recovered. The significant pathogens included Staphylococcus aureus (31.35%), Klebsiella aerogenes (27.97%), Escherichia coli (22.03%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (9.30%), Proteus mirabilis. (8.5%) and Streptococci sp. (0.85%). Overall sensitivity was shown to be pefloxacin 100% while ofloxacin, ceftazidime and cefuroxime were 83.05% and ciprofloxacin 80.51%, gentamicin 77.12%, streptomycin 34.75%, penicillin 7.6% and ampicillin 2.5% of strains tested. The sensitivity results showed the continued increase in the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in older penicillin-based B-lactams, penicillin and ampicillin. Also, given the prominent role of susceptibility in health matters, there is a need to keep physicians current on organisms' sensitivity and resistance possibilities, as demonstrated by this work.
Publication Title Volume Resistivity And Permitivity Of Solid Dielectrics; Case Study How To Determine The Effective Area Of Measurement Electrode Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Chukwuemeke Odumegwu Ojukwu, University Journal of Physical Sciences
Paper Link academia
Publication Authors MORKA, J.C. AND MOLUA, O. C.
Year Published 2-18
Abstract Presented is how to determine the effective area of the measurement electrode during the calculation of volume resistivity and permitivity as a result of measurements in three electrode system. Errors are usually associated with this determination. But the presented analysis will help to correct the anomalis. The values of these errays are presently in a graphical manner as a guide. It is shown taht the factor of the measurement electrode extension at the electrical permitivity measurement also depends on electrical permitivity.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Agbor Journal of science and science Education
Publication Authors MOLUA O.C, NWACHUKU, D.N. & EGHENEJI, A.A.
Year Published 6-22
Abstract The presence of free electrons in the ionosphere produces the reflecting regions important to high frequency (HF) radio-wave propagation. This paper presents an overview of predictable ionospheric parameters because at HF, all the regions are important and should be considered in predicting the operational parameters of radio communication circuits. Also presented are propagation by way of sporadic E and other anomalous ionization together with ways of calculating circuit parameters such as path length and bearings as well as the sun’s Zenith angle.
Publication Title Assessing the Impact of Nutrition Education Instruction on Fruits and Vegetables Hygiene Behaviours of Secondary School Students in Delta State, Nigeria.
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
Publication Authors Apaokueze Tessy Nkechi
Year Published 2-02
Abstract This study examined conscientiousness, intrinsic reward, work values and perceived organisational support on life success of small scale business entrepreneurs in Delta State. The survey design of the correlational type was adopted. Sixty-seven small scale enterprises were selected through stratified random sampling from each of the three senatorial districts that make up Delta State. The total number of participants of the study were 201 entrepreneurs in Delta State of Nigeria across vocational and technical and art-related businesses. The instruments used were Life success (á=0.70), Perceived Organisational Support (á-0.86), Intrinsic Rewards, (á=0.80), Work Value (á=0.71), Conscientiousness (á=0.89) scales. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's product-moment correlation and Multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance.The participants' age was 36.5±4.23 years, while 63.4% were males. Life success had a significant positive relationship with intrinsic reward (r=.090), conscientiousness (r=.074), perceived organisational support (r=.089) and work value (r=.061) of small scale business entrepreneurs in Delta State.The independent variables also had significant predictions on Life success (F =5.22, Adj.R2=0.11), accounting for 11.0% of its variance. conscientious (B=0.231, t= 4.603, p< 0 B =0.140, xss=removed B=0.043, t=0.824,>0.05) and intrinsic rewards (B= 0.032, t= 0.601, p>0.05) in that order influenced the life success of small scale business entrepreneurs in Delta State.
Publication Title Cross border investment inflow in palm oil industry in Nigeria: Key success factors Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Journal of Economic Research & Business Administration, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Publication Authors Ebomah Ernest Monday (PhD), Ugbomhe O. Ugbomhe (PhD)
Year Published 2020-06-01
Abstract The study examined cross border investment inflow in palm oil industry in Nigeria. It focused on the key success factors for cross border investments inflow. Descriptive survey design method was adopted in carrying out the study while Pearson Product Moment Correction statistical tool was used in estimating the parameter of relationship between the regressor and regressand variables of the study. The key success factors that were subjected to empirical test proved positively significant to palm oil investment inflow at the r values of 0.745, 0.729, 0.796, 0.652, 0.536, 0.866, 0.598, 0.705, 0.720 and 0.35. These analysis results suggested that market size, product demand size, return on investment, propensity to gross domestic product and foreign exchange earnings, first mover advantage, palm oil by-product potentials, availability of labour and effective labour cost, policy on land use, government policy measures on economic diversification and risk-free operational environment are critical to investment inflow in the palm oil industry. Based on these findings, the study recommends that to harness the vast opportunities in the palm oil industry like other counterpart nations that are at the forefront in the global palm oil production, government should gear its efforts towards having sustainable investment policy framework in this new strategic business area, provide enabling environment and conditions to boost local ad cross border business development in the industry.
Publication Title Government Expenditure Management and Control within the Framework of Ethiopian Economy Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher African research review
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Publication Authors Ukah. O.C
Year Published 2009-10-12
Abstract This paper examined the pattern, growth, impact, management and control of government expenditure within the framework of the Ethiopian Economy. This was done with the view that policy options towards effective and efficient management of the government lean resources will be proffered as. This will help in ensuring good governance, grass root development, reduction of absolute poverty, employment generation, equitable distribution of the available scare resources towards providing for the basic human need and improving the standard of living for the teaming population of Ethiopia. The paper found that government expenditure are higher than the revenue and as a result, the study recommends adoption of the 'Golden Rule' in government expenditure management and control. Government expenditure should be directed towards meeting the needs of people and the community. Issues of quality, transparency, accountability and capacity building should be entrenched in public expenditures. These measures will ensure fiscal discipline in management of scarce resources and promotion of sustainable development.
Publication Title A Comparative Analysis Of Copyright Enforcement Regime In Nigeria Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher BALTIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLITICS A Journal of Vytautas Magnus University
Publication Authors Dr. Okubor Cecil Nwachukwu, Dr. Gaga Wilson Ekakitie
Year Published 2022-03-03
Abstract Giving the owner the sole right to use the intellectual property and the authority to forbid unauthorized use is the fundamental purpose of intellectual property rights. In comparison to other jurisdictions, Nigeria faces a significant issue in the enforcement of intellectual property rights. Copyright is the most prevalent intellectual property right. With an emphasis on the remedies available to a copyright owner when there has been an infringement, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the enforcement mechanisms and laws now in place in Nigeria. In order to ascertain whether poor law enforcement is, in fact, a key militating element in the fight against the high rate of copyright infringement in the nation, comparisons with other jurisdictions must be done. By investigating the agencies with the authority to enforce intellectual property rights, copyright infringement in Nigeria, the copyright enforcement system in Nigeria, and a comparative analysis of enforcement provisions in some other jurisdictions, the paper places the discourse in its proper context. The study discovered that, in comparison to other jurisdictions, Nigeria's weak copyright enforcement regime is mostly attributable to the absence of adequate enforcement laws. Therefore, the study suggests that in order to establish a more effective enforcement system than other jurisdictions, it is necessary to both optimize the current enforcement mechanisms and alter the Nigeria copyright Act.
Publication Title Judicial Role in The Development of Intellectual Property Law in Nigeria
Publication Type journal
Publisher Commonwealth Law Review Journal
Publication Authors Cecil Nwachukwu Okubor & Kesiena Urhibo
Year Published 2022-12-10
Abstract When the courts make historic decisions, doctrines, and pronouncements, the importance of the court’s role in interpreting the law is most clear. In this context, the courts are in charge of shaping jurisprudence and deciding the legal underpinnings. This article focuses on the larger context and framework in which the court’s role in the interpretation and growth of Nigerian intellectual property laws can be analyzed. Where does Nigerian intellectual property law exist? It takes a conceptual approach, tracing intellectual property law and the courts’ role. It also analyzes some recent case law that can be used to determine judicial power and the function of the court in the evolution of IP law. With a few notable exceptions, the overall interpretative function has been less than ideal, according to the article. It thus suggests a more pragmatic and constructive judicial approach to the interpretation of IP legislation, particularly given the growing importance and contribution of IP to national development, as well as the need for a socially responsive policy and legal framework for an effective intellectual property right regime.
Publication Type journal
Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences 5 (1), 2022
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Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
Year Published 2022-05-15
Abstract Seven varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), Ife Brown, IT98K-128-3, IT98K-506-1, IT93K- 452-1 and IT95K-1072-57, IT06K-149-1, and IT06K-136 were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan (IITA) and evaluated at the Biological Garden of the University of Delta, Agbor, to determine the development of agronomic characteristics under the influence of the rainforest climatic conditions for possible selection of germplasm for domestication. The study recorded that there were no significant differences among the cowpea varieties but noted higher number of pods per plant for IT06K-149-1(15.79), IT98K-128-3 (15.29), IT93K-452-1 (14.36), IT95K-1072-57 (14.00) while longer pods were recorded in IT06K-149-1(15.86 cm) and IT95K-1072-57 (15.00 cm). These agronomic characteristics are positive indicators of high yield in cowpea and the paper recommended that they could be domesticated for cultivation by farmers.
Publication Type journal
Publisher World Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 14 No. 1b (2022) 86 - 93
Year Published 2022-03-03
Abstract The effects of acute exposure to chlorfenapyr on hepatic enzymes and lipid profile of Clarias gariepinus juveniles were investigated following standard protocols. Test organisms were exposed to chlorfenapyr concentrations of 5, 7, 9, 11 and 15 mgL-1 for 96 hr exposure period. After exposure, peripheral blood was collected through the caudal vein into plain sterilised tubes and allowed stand for 1 h for clot to form. The clotted blood was then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min and the serum obtained was used for all the biochemical assay. Cross-sections of the gills were examined for histological aberrations. Results showed significant increase in enzymatic activities of Aspartate amino transferases (AST), Alanine amino transferases (ALT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (p< 0.05) when compared with control. Lipid profile results showed significant (p<0.05) increase in Total cholesterol (TC) and Low- density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) in all treated groups when compared with the control. Significant (p<0.05) reduction in high density lipoprotein- cholesterol (HDL- cholesterol) and triacylglycerides in all treated groups compared to the control was also recorded. Such alterations in biochemical parameters did not show any relationship with gills histology as the cross-section of the gills provided no evidence of aberrations. The results suggest that exposure to acute concentrations of chlorfenapyr can alter liver enzyme activities and serum lipid profile initiating a jump in the energy requirement of the exposed organism.
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Journal of the Inter-College Association of French Teachers Nigeria INTERCAFT (REVUE)
Year Published 2007-11-01
Abstract It is generally upheld that literature plays so many important roles in the life of a people, whether as individuals or as a group. One of such roles which is also universally acclaimed the most important, along with entertainment, is education. Literature is an all embracing phenomenon which transcends races, tribes, social classes, educational classes and so on most often exposing their common features with a view to unifying the people. Therefore one can conclude that literature is a prodigy with the ability to integrate the various tribes and peoples of this world. However, for the purpose of this paper we have limited ourselves to the West African sub-region. Towards this end we have examined literature with a view to seeing how it could be employed as a tool for the integration of the West African subregion. This could not have been properly done without first examining the concepts of literature, sub-region and integration.
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Journal of the Inter-College Association of French Teachers Nigeria INTERCAFT (REVUE)
Year Published 2007-11-01
Abstract It is generally upheld that literature plays so many important roles in the life of a people, whether as individuals or as a group. One of such roles which is also universally acclaimed the most important, along with entertainment, is education. Literature is an all embracing phenomenon which transcends races, tribes, social classes, educational classes and so on most often exposing their common features with a view to unifying the people. Therefore one can conclude that literature is a prodigy with the ability to integrate the various tribes and peoples of this world. However, for the purpose of this paper we have limited ourselves to the West African sub-region. Towards this end we have examined literature with a view to seeing how it could be employed as a tool for the integration of the West African subregion. This could not have been properly done without first examining the concepts of literature, sub-region and integration.
Publication Type journal
Publisher The Journal of the Inter-College Association of French Teachers Nigeria INTERCAFT (REVUE)
Year Published 2007-11-01
Abstract It is generally upheld that literature plays so many important roles in the life of a people, whether as individuals or as a group. One of such roles which is also universally acclaimed the most important, along with entertainment, is education. Literature is an all embracing phenomenon which transcends races, tribes, social classes, educational classes and so on most often exposing their common features with a view to unifying the people. Therefore one can conclude that literature is a prodigy with the ability to integrate the various tribes and peoples of this world. However, for the purpose of this paper we have limited ourselves to the West African sub-region. Towards this end we have examined literature with a view to seeing how it could be employed as a tool for the integration of the West African subregion. This could not have been properly done without first examining the concepts of literature, sub-region and integration.
Publication Title An evaluation of the dramatic aesthetics of Ikenge and Ifejioku festivals of Ossissa people of Delta State Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher ikenga Vol. 22, No.3, September 2021
Publication Authors Augustine Obiajulu Eziechine
Year Published 2021-02-02
Abstract This paper evaluates the dramatic aesthetics of the Ikenge and Ifejioku festivals of Ossissa people of Ndokwa-East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. The study, which is a survey of the performance tradition, critically analyses the controversy surrounding the views of African dramatic scholars (the evolutionists and the relativists) on the question of what constitutes drama in the context of Nigerian traditional performances. This controversy arose as a result of Aristotle’s concept of drama with its emphasis on imitation, plot, dialogue, conflict, etc. Based on this concept, Ruth Finnegan describes the indigenous festival traditions in Africa as “quasi-dramatic phenomena” that lack the Western dramatic structures. While the evolutionist school of thought argues that the traditional festivals are not drama but rituals, the relativist school claims that the traditional festivals in Africa can be considered as dramatic performances since most of the features of drama such as music and dance, audience participation, costumes, stage, etc., are present in the festival traditions. The study employs a field work-oriented methodology, involving participatory observation of the festivals, interviews, documentary analysis, audio records, and photographs of scenes and events. The findings of the study confirm that traditional African festivals are indeed dramatic performances. The study concludes that the African traditional performance mode is indigenous to African people and must not necessarily mirror the Western model. The paper, therefore, submits that the Ikenge and Ifejioku festivals of Ossissa can be seen as complete drama just like any other Western dramatic forms.
Publication Title Assessment of Pre – Service Teachers’ Competence in Literacy and Numeracy Skills at entry point in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State. Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 2
Publication Authors Egede, B.A.J1, Chukwuma, R.A, Oji, J.O, Ajudeonu, H.I, Idialu, P.E, Omiegbe, O.O , Ofuonyebuzor, M
Year Published 2020-02-18
Abstract Abstract The need to improve on the principles and practices in the teacher – education sub – sector in Nigerian education system, so as to raise the levels of literacy and numeracy, which is still comparatively low from global standards has engaged the attention of stakeholders. Thus, this study was aimed at assessing the pre – service teachers’ competence in literacy and numeracy skills at the entry point into the tertiary institutions in Delta State, using a descriptive survey design. The population comprised of all pre – service teachers admitted into the tertiary institutions in the 2017/2018 academic session. The sample is made up of 600 pre – service teachers drawn from the four colleges of education in Delta State, through a purposive sampling technique. The instruments used are Pre – service Teachers’ Literacy Test (PTLT) and Pre – service Teachers’ Numeracy Test (PTNT), which were constructed and validated by the researchers. Three research questions and six hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive statistics (e.g. mean, standard error, skewness, Kurtosis, frequency), t – tests and Pearson – product moment correlation was used for analyzing the data using the SPSS computer package. It was found among others that: the pre – service teachers’ literacy skill was average while the numeracy skill was very low at the entry point; there was significant relationship between their literacy and numeracy skills and there was no significant difference between the literacy and numeracy skills of male and female pre – service teachers at entry point. These results underscore the fact that the entrants into the Colleges of education in Delta State, which prepares the professional teachers for the basic education level, are not students with very high levels literacy and numeracy skills. Recommendations based on these findings are provided in this paper.
Publication Title Inclusive Education and Gender as Determinants of Social Studies Students’ Attitude Towards Learning of Social Studies Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher US-China Education Review B, Jan.-Feb. 2023, Vol. 13, No. 1, 49-57
Publication Authors Ayodele Onyeatoelu Okobia
Year Published 2023-02-02
Abstract The study investigated inclusive education and gender as determinants of social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies in College of Education, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria. The aim was to determine the relationship between inclusive education, gender, and social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies. Two hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. A total of 150 randomly selected social studies students across the Department of Social studies, College of Education, Agbor, Delta State were administered with inclusive education scale and social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies questionnaire for data collection. The hypotheses were analysed using Multiple Regression tested at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that the criterion variable (social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies) showed that social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies correlates positively, and low towards inclusive education. Also, gender was not a determinant of both social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies and their inclusive education in schools’ activities. The results also showed that only social studies students’ inclusion in educational activities with the regressional coefficient (b) of 0.258, and a beta weight of 0.296 significantly contributed to social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies, while the contribution of gender was not significant in predicting social studies students’ attitude towards learning of social studies. Based on these findings recommendations were made.
Publication Title Taxation and Nigerian Economy Download PDF
Publication Type conferenceproceeding
Publication Authors Uzochukwu, E. Amahi, F. U. & Ugbah, A. A.
Year Published 2022-09-09
Abstract bstract The study examined taxation and Nigeria’s economy. An Ex-post-facto research design was used and secondary data were sourced from CBN statistical bulletin and Federal Inland Revenue report. Multiple linear regression was used to check for the effect of taxation on Nigeria while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. From the result of the analysis, taxation has high significant positive effect on the growth of Nigeria's economy. Based on this finding the study recommends, that government should make more adequate policies with respect to tax system to enable a high percentage of tax revenue collection which will create more avenues for the government to engage more in the infrastructural development and growth of the country.
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Onyeagwu, Friday O., Ph.D and Moemeke, Clara D., Ph.D
Year Published 2019-09-19
Abstract Getting students' both male and female’s attention is a way to engage them in learning activities and this poses a challenge to teachers. Hence, this study investigated how to create equality between male and female students in the study of science. The researcher tested the use of teacher's positive feelings and behaviour in the performance of male and female students. A total of one hundred and ten (110) SSI sciences (50, males and 60 females) in ten SSI schools in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State were used for the study. The quasi experimental design involving pre-test, -post-test control group experimental design was used t-test was used to analyse the posttest achievement scores of male and female students that were taught by teachers with positive feelings and behaviours and these were not significantly different (t=0.60; df-108; P<.05). As a result of this, recommendations were made that there should be improvement in science teachers’ feelings and behaviour to students. This is to bring about equal performance of boys and girls in science subjects.
Publication Title Assessing the Social Economic Impact of Corona Virus in Africa. Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher European American Journals is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License
Publication Authors Benedict Azu, Esther Dibie, Shadrack Ifeanyi, Emeke Okoro
Year Published 2022-06-27
Abstract The looming health shock of coronavirus could have disastrous impacts on the continent’s already strained health systems, and could quickly turn into a social and economic emergency. This paper, therefore, intends to assess the effects of coronavirus on Africa economies. (using its growth implication) Based on the endogenous growth theoretical approach, the link between life expectancy, poverty incidence, and economic growth was estimated using the GMM technique of analysis with 32 selected Africa countries. Findings showed that coronavirus exhibited negative and substantial impact on socio-economic situation and macroeconomic variables in Africa such as inflation, unemployment, poverty rate and economic growth, amongst others. The result ascertained that the government expenditure significantly increased during the period in a bid to curb the pandemic, but household welfare degenerated and was negatively affected with high poverty rate, this paper recommended that the government of the Africa countries should diversify the revenue base of their economies to cushion the effect of unprecedented shock due to the pandemic and provide adequate relief materials to pad the effect of loss of income to the poor and vulnerable, support in the implementation of structural reforms to enable them to build capacity and generate sufficient domestic resources or fiscal buffers to effectively manage pandemics.
Publication Title Assessing the Social Economic Impact of Corona Virus in Africa. Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher European American Journals is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License
Publication Authors Benedict Azu, Esther Dibie, Shadrack Ifeanyi, Emeke Okoro
Year Published 2022-06-27
Abstract The looming health shock of coronavirus could have disastrous impacts on the continent’s already strained health systems, and could quickly turn into a social and economic emergency. This paper, therefore, intends to assess the effects of coronavirus on Africa economies. (using its growth implication) Based on the endogenous growth theoretical approach, the link between life expectancy, poverty incidence, and economic growth was estimated using the GMM technique of analysis with 32 selected Africa countries. Findings showed that coronavirus exhibited negative and substantial impact on socio-economic situation and macroeconomic variables in Africa such as inflation, unemployment, poverty rate and economic growth, amongst others. The result ascertained that the government expenditure significantly increased during the period in a bid to curb the pandemic, but household welfare degenerated and was negatively affected with high poverty rate, this paper recommended that the government of the Africa countries should diversify the revenue base of their economies to cushion the effect of unprecedented shock due to the pandemic and provide adequate relief materials to pad the effect of loss of income to the poor and vulnerable, support in the implementation of structural reforms to enable them to build capacity and generate sufficient domestic resources or fiscal buffers to effectively manage pandemics.
Publication Title Assessing the Social Economic Impact of Corona Virus in Africa. Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher European American Journals is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License
Publication Authors Benedict Azu, Esther Dibie, Shadrack Ifeanyi, Emeke Okoro
Year Published 2022-06-27
Abstract The looming health shock of coronavirus could have disastrous impacts on the continent’s already strained health systems, and could quickly turn into a social and economic emergency. This paper, therefore, intends to assess the effects of coronavirus on Africa economies. (using its growth implication) Based on the endogenous growth theoretical approach, the link between life expectancy, poverty incidence, and economic growth was estimated using the GMM technique of analysis with 32 selected Africa countries. Findings showed that coronavirus exhibited negative and substantial impact on socio-economic situation and macroeconomic variables in Africa such as inflation, unemployment, poverty rate and economic growth, amongst others. The result ascertained that the government expenditure significantly increased during the period in a bid to curb the pandemic, but household welfare degenerated and was negatively affected with high poverty rate, this paper recommended that the government of the Africa countries should diversify the revenue base of their economies to cushion the effect of unprecedented shock due to the pandemic and provide adequate relief materials to pad the effect of loss of income to the poor and vulnerable, support in the implementation of structural reforms to enable them to build capacity and generate sufficient domestic resources or fiscal buffers to effectively manage pandemics.
Publication Title Socio Economic Factors Affecting the 'Role of Local Leaders in Rural Development in Delta State, Nigeria.
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development- (IJARD) Vol. 7 Ho-. 2. Pp'112-118.
Publication Authors Ugboh, 0.
Year Published 2006-06-06
Abstract The study examined the socio-economic factors affecting the role of the leaders in rural development in Delta State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from 272 respondents in 30 communities. Mean, parentage and ordinary least square multiple regression were used to analyse data collected. Findings revealed that there is significant relationship between the socio-economic factors studied and the role of local leaders in rural and community development, in Delta State, because improved socio-economic conditions of the local leaders will greatly enhance their role in community and rural development in Delta State. Findings also revealed that local leaders play active roles in community and rural development. The study recommended that the socio-economic conditions of women leaders be further enhanced to increase their role in rural and community development.
Publication Title Religion, Culture and Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria
Publication Type journal
Publisher African Journal of Disability
Publication Authors Edwin Etieyibo and Odirin Omiegbe
Year Published 2016-12-30
Publication Title Religion, Culture and Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria
Publication Type journal
Publisher African Journal of Disability
Publication Authors Edwin Etieyibo and Odirin Omiegbe
Year Published 2016-12-30
Publication Title Evaluation Of CD4+ And CD8+ Lymphocyte Counts in Patients with Tuberculosis Infection
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors ISIBOR, C. N, OMOINGHO, S. E. OPHORI, E.A, OKOJIE, R AND ADU. M.E (2021).
Year Published 2022-09-02
Abstract Background: Tuberculosis is a public health disease and has been observed to affect the immune system of individuals. Aim: The effect of tuberculosis on the immune system has prompted this study to evaluate the CD4+ and CD8+ cells of individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis attending the Chest Clinic at Central Hospital, Agbor. Method: A total of five hundred (500) suspected tuberculosis (Tb) subjects where screened and one hundred and forty six (146) confirmed Tb cases were used for the study. This comprises of 113 Tb cases only and 33 Tb/HIV co-infected cases while thirty-eight (38) healthy subjects was used as control with an age range of 8-75years and mean age of 35.41±1.15years were recruited. The sputa were examined using Genexpert to confirm Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Five millilitres (5ml) of blood were collected from subjects and analysed for CD4+, CD8+ cells using Partec CyFlow Counter. HIV Status was determined according to the Nigeria national HIV testing algorithm. Mean ±SEM were determined using statistical package for social sciences. Results: A prevalence of 29.5% (146) was observed for tuberculosis with females 63% having the highest burden as against males with 37% while the age group 16-45years had the highest prevalence rate. The mean ± standard error of the mean of CD4+ was significantly (p<0>0.05) difference observed between co-infected and HIV subjects when compared. Conclusion: It is therefore pertinent to state that CD4+ cannot be used as a biomarker for tuberculosis disease progression.
Publication Title Prevalence of Malaria and Anaemia among Pregnant Women in Warri Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors ISIBOR, C.N.; OMOKARO, E.U.; AHONKHAI I. AND J. A. ISIBOR (2003)
Year Published 2003-08-10
Abstract A total of 319 pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of Central Hospital, Warri had their haemoglobin levels estimated using standard haematological methods. Forty-seven (14.7%), expectant mothers were found to be anaemic (haemoglobin level less than 9.0g/dl). The Malaria parasites, the agent of malaria and a major cause anaemia in pregnancy were found in 105 (32.9%) expectant mothers, based on the examination of peripheral blood smears. Multigravidae recorded 33.2% prevalence of malaria parasitaemia that was comparable with that among primigravidae. There was a statistically significant relationship between malaria parasitaemia and haemoglobin levels of pregnant women (p < 0.05). This study emphasizes the need for pregnant women to undergo routine haemoglobin estimation considering the deleterious effects of anaemia on them and their foetuses. An early malaria prophylaxis is recommended if a significant increase in haemoglobin levels in the second trimester is to be achieved.
Publication Type journal
Paper Link undefined
Publication Authors Okonkwo N.S & EFEURHOBO DAVIS
Year Published 2012-11-13
Abstract undefined
Publication Title Investigating Background Ionizing Radiation in some selected locations in Agbor Metropolis. Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher HM publishers
Publication Authors Collins O Molua , Kenneth Eseka, Anthony O Ukpene
Year Published 2022-07-06
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Apaokueze, Tessy Nkechi, Nwabuisi M
Year Published 2023-10-10
Abstract The study investigated entrepreneurial engagement of Nigerian youths in fruits juice enterprise for sustainable livelihood in post pandemic using Delta State as case study. The study adopted survey research design. The population for the study was 136 subjects, comprising 40 Home Economics Lecturers and 96 registered fruits juice entrepreneurs. The instrument for data collection for the study was a structured closeended questionnaire face-validated by three experts and with Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.87. Data were collected by the researchers with the help of four research assistants. Out of the 136 copies of the questionnaire administered, 131 copies were completely filed and returned representing 96.3% return rate. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and t-test statistics. From the results, the study identified 18 equipment required by youths for fruits juice production, 20 requisite skills required by youth for fruits juice production and 12 requisite skills required by youth for marketing of fruit juice. There are no significant (p<0.05) difference in the mean ratings of Home Economics lecturers and registered fruits juice entrepreneurs on the equipment (t-cal=0.41) and requisite skills (t-cal=0.37) required by youth for marketing fruits juice, whereas, there is significant (p<0.05) difference in the mean ratings of Home Economics lecturers and registered fruits juice entrepreneurs on the requisite skills (t-cal=2.12) required by youth for fruits juice production. Hence, the study recommended adequate provision of required training and subsidized equipment and facilities to youth in entrepreneurial engagement in fruits juice enterprise.
Publication Title Physics of Cooking: Heat Transfer and Nutritional Retention Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Research in Science and Engineering
Publication Authors O. C. Molua1 , A. O. Ukpene2*, Emagbetere. J. U3 , C. P. Ukpene4 , Apaokwueze. T.N5
Year Published 2022-10-10
Abstract This article examines the field of culinary physics, investigating the complex correlation between heat transfer in cooking procedures and its influence on the nutritional content of food. By examining the mechanisms underlying heat transfer and their impact on the preservation of nutritional content, this study can bring about a transformative shift in culinary techniques. By attaining a state of balance between energy efficiency, sensory appeal, and the retention of essential nutrients, this research can revolutionize the field of cooking. This research endeavor's amalgamation of physics, home economics, and biology presents opportunities for a more profound comprehension of the culinary arts.
Publication Title Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) Byproducts as a Source of Nutraceuticals. In C. Egbuna, B. Sawicka and J. Khan edited Food and Agricultural Byproducts as Important Source of Valuable Nutraceuticals.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Pp 117-133.
Publication Authors Pass Chidiebere Chijindu
Year Published 2022-08-08
Abstract The search for nutraceuticals has formed an integral part of man’s existence. Several cases of toxicity, insuffcient and unaffordable drugs encourage constant researches into promising plants with both nutritional as well as medicinal potentials. In the course of these search and researches, several plants have been identifed, studied extensively and integrated into food optimization and drug production. In recent times, recommendations have been given to promote proper diets as well as health status awareness. A lot of importance has been given to the maintenance of proper body functioning and improving the functionality of the immune system using natural products which have been known to be more effective and safe. This has birthed the concept nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources that provide both nutritional and medicinal benefts. It is a term derived from two words—Nutrients and Pharmaceuticals. Based on the chemical composition of products, natural sources and pharmacological conditions, nutraceuticals can be further categorized to include dietary supplements, functional food, medicinal food and pharmaceuticals. In general, nutraceuticals can be used in prevention of diseases. However, they can also be applied in health maintenance, symptom control and prevention of malignant processes. Over the years, the concept of nutraceuticals has gathered a lot of attention to its nutritive, safety and therapeutic effects. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam (Jackfruit) is a plant which have been identifed as a good source of nutritional and antioxidant compounds which hold the potential for nutraceutical development [1]. Jackfruit (A. heterophyllus Lam) belongs to the family Moraceae. The generic name comes from the Greek words ‘artos’ (bread) and ‘Karpos’ (fruit). The specifc name ‘heterophyllus’ in Latin means with leaves of different sizes and shapes and the word ‘heteros’ in Greek corresponds to the word ‘different’ [2]. Jackfruit tree is native to India and is popular in several tropical and subtropical countries
Publication Title Electronic Properties of the ChalcopyritesAgFeS,, -AgFeSe; and AgFeTe; Compounds
Publication Type journal
Publisher IAAM - VBRI Press
Publication Authors N. N. Omehe’, D. N.Nwachuku
Year Published 2021-12-01
Abstract The electronic properties of the Chalcopyrites AgFeS; AgFeSes and AgFeTe2 have been investigated using the pseudopotential method within the density functional theory (DFT). The LDA+U technique and the projector ~ augmented waves (PAW) were used for the electronic band structure calculations, while the norm conserving pseudopotentials were used for the structure optimization. The calculated results showed that AgFeS,, AgFeSesand AgFeTesare semiconductors with energy bandgap values of 3.33 eV, 0.05 eV and 1.30 eV respectively. The transition points in the band structure were all notable because of the narrowness of the bands about the Fermi level. The total density of states and their corresponding partial density of states were also computed.
Publication Type journal
Publisher word educators forum
Paper Link Undefined
Year Published 2019-05-12
Abstract This study was conducted to identify the possible challenges facing Higher Education Curriculum and its Prospects in the 21st Century. The population consisted of all stakeholders in the education industry which includes: curriculum planners, lecturers and students. The sample consisted of one hundred (100) respondents drawn from the above mentioned groups through simple random sampling. The descriptive survey design was employed for the study. The questionnaire structured Higher Education Curriculum for Global Challenges and Prospects (HECGCP) was used as the instrument for data collection. The findings from the study revealed among other things, that Higher education curriculum is faced with various challenges ranging from increased enrollment, poor funding, infrastructural inadequacy and so on. Based on the above findings, it was recommended that funding higher education should be given priority; stake holders in the education industry should be involved in curriculum planning.
Publication Title Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Secondary Schools in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects.
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Integrated Research in Education (IJIRE)
Paper Link Undefined
Publication Authors Dr. (Mrs.) Christiana N. Nwadiokwu
Year Published 2019-06-23
Abstract There is no doubt that modern life is dominated by technology. Although it has been rightly said that what is wrong with education cannot be fixed with technology, there is a universal recognition of the need to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education as we enter the era of globalization where the free flow of information via satellite and the internet hold sway in the dissemination of knowledge and information. Already, Nigeria is on the wrong side of the international digital divide, as it has not made significant effort to integrate ICT into secondary school curriculum. A great deal of instructional and administrative work in secondary school in Nigeria is still carried out manually. This paper, therefore, examines the major obstacles militating against the use of ICT in secondary education in Nigeria. It identifies the high cost of computer hardware and software, weak infrastructure, lack of human skills and knowledge in ICT, and lack of relevant software appropriate and culturally suitable to Nigeria as the major stumbling block of the adoption of ICT in secondary education in Nigeria. Also, secondary schools in Nigeria are not given adequate funds to provide furniture, relevant textbooks and adequate classroom let alone being given adequate fund for high-tech equipment. At present the cost of subscribing to the Internet is too high for many of the impoverished secondary schools in Nigeria. Nigeria needs ICT to aid teaching, learning and educational management. ICT is an instrument for economic and technological development in the 21st century. Therefore, Nigeria cannot afford to be on the wrong side of the digital divide.
Publication Title Women Education and Peace Building in Nigeria: Implication for Curriculum Planners Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research
Paper Link Undefined
Publication Authors Dr. Mrs. Christiana N. Nwadiokwu
Year Published 2017-05-22
Abstract This study examined Women Education and Peace Education in Nigeria.. Education helps men and women to claim their rights and realize their potentials in economic, political and social transformation for peace education. Many women are still excluded from education in Nigeria. This paper defined the concept of education and peace education as the deliberate attempt to educate the young ones in the dynamics of conflict and the promotion of peace making skills in homes, schools and communities throughout the world. It identifies the importance and challenges of women education to peace building and its implication for curriculum planners. The paper suggested among others that since the role played by women in peace building are of great importance, they should be availed with good educational opportunities to enhance their social, political, moral and economic contributions in building a peaceful home and teaching of peace education in promoting national security.
Publication Title Women Education for Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Implications for Curriculum Planning Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Undefined
Paper Link Undefined
Publication Authors Dr. (Mrs.) Christiana N. Nwadiokwu
Year Published 2017-07-12
Abstract Education continues to be the bedrock for sustainable development of all nations and of Nigeria in particular. Indigenous forms of education existed in Nigeria before the advent of Western education whereby boys took after their father's trade while girls were trained to become successful housewives. This singular thinking has placed women on the disadvantaged position for many years, creating a gap between women and men educationally. This paper focuses on the following discussions: concept of women education. sustainable development, necessity of women education for sustainable development in Nigeria, challenges of women education and implications for curriculum planners. The paper recommended among others that education should be made accessible to women at all levels.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Undefined
Paper Link Undefined
Year Published 2016-05-30
Abstract Supervision of schools in Nigeria requires interaction between the supervisor and the supervisees who are to be helped to improve on their job performance. Supervision is that phase of school adminis- tration which focuses primarily upon the achievement of the appro- priate instructional expectations of educational system. Supervision can therefore be said to mean all the efforts and resources used by a supervisor to encourage the supervisee to achieve educational goals. There are many problems facing the instructional supervision of schools in Nigeria. However, there are possible solutions to the problems as mentioned in this paper. Through effective supervision at all levels of education, defective teaching as well as all the problems militating against successful implementation of the curriculum in the classroom could be identified.
Publication Type journal
Publisher knowledge review
Paper Link Undefined
Publication Authors C. N. Nwadiokwu, Ph.D
Year Published 2017-07-22
Abstract The environment we live in cannot be enjoyable if we don't give room for value re-orientation, which can help in eradicating poverty leading to sustainable National Development. So many poverty eradication policies and initiatives have been employed to tackle this pending issue to no avail. Fortunately, it is a well-known fact that curriculum education is a major tool to help in eradicating poverty in Nigeria by value re-orientation and fostering the cause of National Development This paper focused on curriculum for value re-orientation, poverty eradication and National development. The introduction explains the effect of poverty on the masses in Nigeria before the knowledge and impart of curriculum, value re-orientation, and National Development was clarified and expatiated. The effect and causes of poverty as it affects the national economy was later discussed. Thereafter the implementation of a well-structured curriculum has been established in helping to curb this societal menace. The following were among others recommended; the introduction of informal and non-formal curriculum to boost and empower the economy through value orientation, the application of Curriculum Indicators for Poverty Eradication (CIPE) and the need for curriculum enlightenment through a unique approach.
Publication Type journal
Publisher journal of qualitative education
Paper Link Undefined
Publication Authors Dr. Christiana N. Nwadiokwu and Favour E. Nwadiokwu
Year Published 2017-08-22
Abstract Entrepreneurship Education is the process through which individuals are made participating members of the society. It enables them to become capable of living in the society and contribute towards its economic development. The objectives of this paper is to discuss issues and challenges driving entrepreneurship education in Nigeria since it remains vital in the real sector and the sustenance of economic development. This paper also focused on the concepts of entrepreneurship and importance of entrepreneurship education. This shows that a functional educational system takes cognizance of the dynamics of the labour market, equips its graduates with occupational skills and competences to enable them to be self-reliant. Furthermore this paper recommended that educational programmes at all levels of education should be made relevant for provision of needed entrepreneurial skills to the youths.
Publication Title Commercialization of Educational System in a Dwindling Economy: Positive and Negative Impact Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher journal of resourcefulness and distinction
Paper Link Undefined
Year Published 2018-11-07
Abstract The commercialization of education has affected the educational system in one form or the other. The interest of the youth and the kind of education that develops his/her full potential and wholesome personality is sidelined. This paper is an attempt to focus on the positive and negative impact of commercialization on education system. The paper recommends amongst others that there should be no reduction in Government funding, production of Higher Education by private players both "for profit" and "non profit" should be well monitored etc. The Impact of this Commercialisation of Education on students is that it does not only affect the quality of education but also the perception of educational institution in general.
Publication Title Community Policing and Internal Security in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria
Publication Type journal
Publisher Jurnal Penelitian Universitas Kuningan
Publication Authors Goodluck Irorohwo Oyibokure, Onofere Princewill Okereka, Akpomuvire Mukoro
Year Published 2023-02-13
Abstract This study investigated the effect of community policing as supportive strategy in combating security challenges in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria. A cross-sectional research design and the probability sampling technique were adopted. A questionnaire was employed as the research instrument for this study with 317 respondents deemed usable. Data collected were analyzed using simple regression analysis with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 23.0. The results of the study revealed that police inefficiency positively and significantly influences human insecurity in the country; the structure of the Nigeria police positively and significantly impacts the ineffective police security service delivery in the country, The present security challenges in the country positively and significantly influences the clamour for community policing in the country and the community policing positively and significantly influences improve internal security in the country. The study concludes that keeping peace and maintaining safety of citizens and property cannot be over emphasized for the progress and survival of any sovereign nation. It can be viewed as a precondition for good governance leading to socio-economic growth, political advancement, national peace building, human capital development, human freedom and proper functioning of things in a country. There will be no doubt therefore, that absence of internal security breeds disorder, increase insecurity, distorts freedom, reduce human value, and impoverish the citizens. Thus, the study recommends among others that the implementation of community policing programme should be beyond mere rhetoric. Therefore, the government should allocate more funds and resources to support the operations of community poling. Moreover, more motor vehicles and other security gadgets should be procured to enhance police patrol
Publication Title Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Nigerian Judicial System Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Social Sciences Research
Publication Authors Ogbe, H. E Ph.D, Oyibokure, G. I
Year Published 2023-04-23
Abstract Nigerian Judiciary faced difficulty in dispensing justice duringthe COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged all sectors of the globe. In efforts to curb the speed spread of the virus Nigerian judiciary followed suit of the adoptionof thenon-medicalsafety protocols, which negatively affected the operationsof the courts/judiciary to Nigerians and Nigerian state. The study is ex-post facto research design which relied on secondary data and the study theoretical framework was underpinned by system theory. The judiciary adjudicates upon issues of conflict between individuals, groups, government and individual or organs of government, which was impossible during the COVID-19 pandemic due to lockdown and strict adherence to non-medical safety protocol imposed by the government. The paper demonstrated and established the stance of judiciary as watchdog in state governance in Nigeria. The paper unfolded thatCOVID-19 non-medical safety protocols negatively affected timely justice delivery as a result of physical presence of the litigant/lawyers required in the processes of filing case, which lockdown badly affected in Nigeria. The paper also revealed that COVID-19 pandemic tapered social and economic status nonlegal practitioners and litigants in Nigeria. So, electronic court hearings, training of courts staff on the act of electronic court hearing and electrification of courts across levels among others were recommended by the paper
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors 'Ifeanyichukwu Jeffrey CHISUNUM, Ph. D, Roselyn EBOH -NZEKWUE
Year Published 2023-10-10
Abstract Research has long found out that the use of children's first/home languages is the most effective approach to teaching children to read and to write. In situations where the children'sfirst language or mother tongue is not used for reading instruction, those who support improvement in reading can share benefits of a first language or native language based approach to reading instruction. It is in the context of this assumption, that this paper looks at the Nigerian language of instruction policy in the first three years of primary school education and suggests insistently that the immediate language of the people should form the bases of instruction and in places where many languages are used, a contextual analysis that includes language mapping is highly recommended for instruction to complement the success of Nigeria's goal for the focus of Education For All (EFA) and a realistic attainment of basic education as a global agenda by 2030.
Publication Type journal
Publisher JORIND 9(2) December, 2011. ISSN 159
Publication Authors O.I. Osowole, Rita Ugbechie
Year Published 2011-12-02
Abstract The 2003/2004 NLSS data was used in this paper to consider the status of rural household poverty in Oyo State, Nigeria and to identify the relevant determinants using the. Principal component analysis (PCA) was employed to determine the important factors associated with rural household poverty. Household size, mother’s educational level, age of the household head, father’s work and mother’s work were the key factors found to be major determinants of rural poverty incidence in the state. The choice of expenditure as a proxy for measuring poverty was further corroborated. These findings indicated that factor analysis is very helpful in poverty -targeting and alleviation.
Publication Title Directors’ Compensation, Corporate Attributes, and Firm Performance of Selected Listed Firms in Nigeria Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Academia Open Vol 9 No 1 (2024): June
Publication Authors Ekokotu,, Sinebe,, Eyenubo,,
Year Published 2024-06-06
Abstract This study investigates the impact of Directors' Compensation and Corporate Attributes on firms' performance using data from sixty-seven listed firms on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) spanning from 2012 to 2021. Through regression analysis, the research reveals a negative relationship between Director Compensation and firm performance, measured by returns on assets (ROA). Additionally, firm size exhibits a negative association with performance, while firm value positively influences success. Leverage, on the other hand, is found to negatively correlate with firm performance. The study suggests strategic management overhauls in Nigerian firms, emphasizing optimized financial structures, balanced leverage, and prudent debt management to mitigate financial risks and enhance overall performance. Furthermore, aligning Director's compensation with performance metrics is recommended to foster accountability, efficient resource management, and alignment of individual interests with overall corporate objectives. Highlights: Negative ROA Correlation: Directors' Compensation shows a negative relationship with firm performance measured by ROA. Strategic Overhauling Recommendation: Suggests optimizing financial structures and prudent debt management in Nigerian firms. Compensation-Performance Alignment: Advocates aligning Director's compensation with metrics for accountability and efficient resource management.
Publication Title Information and Communication technology (ict) and school plant management practices of secondary schools principal and teachers in Ika North East LGA delta state Nigeria Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Ae-funai journal of education (ae-funal joe
Paper Link @ae-funai joe 2023
Publication Authors Dr Juliet Nkonyeasus Ossai, Kelechi Chinemerem Mezieobi
Year Published 2023-01-11
Abstract In this study, the researchers worked on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and school plant management practices of Secondary Schools' Principals and Teachers in Delta State, Nigeria. 3 research questions and 3 hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design specifically to collect existing data (information) on ICTs and school plant management practices of secondary schools' principals and teachers. The population of the study was made up of 1.235 comprising 150 principals and 1,085 teachers from the secondary schools (upper basic education level schools JSS I-3 and senior secondary schools) in Ika North-East Local Government Area of Delta state, Nigeria. The sample comprised of 247 principals and teachers – 50 principals and 197 teachers. The samples were drawn using simple random and cluster sampling techniques. The instrument used for data collection for this study was a self constructed questionnaire titled ICTS and School Plant Management Practices of Principals and Teachers Rating Scale (ICTSPMPPTRS) which is made up of 30 items in 4-points likert scale. The face and content validities were ensured and Cranach Alpha was used to ascertain its reliability at 0.82 indexes. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the hypotheses using t-test statistics to establish the significant differences between the variables in the study. From the data analyzed, it was found out that the use of ICT in teaching and learning facilitates teaching and makes learning interesting, effective and efficient. It was also found out that regular inspection on all school plant facilities, regular maintenance on all school plant facilities, close supervision of the usage of school plant facilities are some school plant management practices of secondary schools' principals and so on. The researchers recommended among others that the government at all levels in collaborating with secondary schools' principals and teachers should set in place appropriate security measures to help secure school plant facilities and that secondary schools' principals and teachers should be given regular orientation through workshops and seminars on adequate strategies of managing school plant facilities.
Publication Title “African Oral Literature: The Despondency of the Nigerian Artist in the 21st Century” Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher USA
Publication Authors Akporherhe Friday, Udi Peter Oghenerioborue
Year Published 2022-06-01
Abstract Indigenous and pre-literate societies in Africa have vibrant traditions and customs which guide their state of affairs. It is an indisputable fact that oral literature berthed and flourished in Africa with the oral artist as a touch bearer before the advent of colonization and western education. Thus, this paper aims at examining the place of the African Oral Artist both retrospectively and prospectively with a view to leveraging his battered status in the 21st century. It will specifically explore the role of oral literature and the artist in pre-colonial days, the challenges confronting the Artist and suggesting possible ways to alleviating, preventing professional decay and promoting interest in the rich cultural heritage of Nigerian oral literature.
Publication Title “Ritual of Circumcision, Mood Disorders and Management in Camara Laye’s The African Child” Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Zango, University of Zambia
Publication Authors Friday Akporherhe and Peter Udi Oghenerioborue
Year Published 2022-07-26
Abstract This article examines the therapeutic strategies utilised in the management of mood disorders which characterise the ritual rites of circumcision in Camara Laye’s The African Child. The article argues that circumcision rites for adolescents triggers mood disorders such as anxieties, phobia, insomnia, distress, and so on. These abnormal health conditions can be managed through various adjustments and coping strategies to provide healing to the circumcised patients, parents and society by diverting and alleviating their psychic and emotional pains. They are utilised as mood stimulants and self-coping strategies before the ritual of circumcision
Publication Title A Conceptual Framework for the Adoption of IoT in the Energy Sector: Technology-Organization- Environment Framework Approach Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publisher Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on August 17,2024 at 09:10:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions appl
Publication Authors 1 st Snow Ngozi Monye Department of Information Communication Technology University of Delta Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria 2 nd Stella Isioma Monye Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Afe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria 7 th Kazeem Bello Aderemi Department of Mechanical Engineering Federal University of Oye Ekiti Ekiti State, Nigeria Sunday Adeniran Afolalu 2,3 Department of Mechanical Mechatronics 2Department of Mechanical Engineering Afe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria 3Department of Mechanical Engineering Science University of Johannesburg Johannesburg, South Africa 4 th Imhade Princess Okokpujie Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Afe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, 360001, Nigeria Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology University of Johannesburg University of Johannesburg Johannesburg, 2028, South Africa 5 th Adedotun O. Adetunla Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Afe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria 6 th Omolayo M. Ikumapayi Department of Mechanical and MechatronicsAfe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria 8 th Samuel Obinna Nwankwo Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Afe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria 9 th Ejaita Abugor Okpako Department of Information Communication Technology University of Delta Agbor Delta State, Nigeria
Year Published 2024-08-24
Abstract The major role played by Internet of Things (IoT) in the energy sector cannot be overemphasized. Its application encompasses the development of smart grid, development of electric buildings and integration of grid and renewable energy such as wind turbines, solar panels, hydropower systems, and photovoltaic cells. However, amidst of all these prospects lie some pressing challenges facing the application of IoT technology in the energy sector. This work studied on the recent prospects of IoT in the energy sector and its challenge. Recent works related to the study have it that the most pressing challenges facing the application of IoT in the energy sector are the adoption and the security issues. It is on this light that the work has proposed a conceptual framework using the Technology-organization-environment framework for a sustainable application of IoT in the energy sector in future. Some recommendations for leveraging IoT in the energy industry are also stated in the work.