Publication Type journal
Publisher Advances in Management, Vol 17(2) 2018. ISSN (0795-6967)
Year Published 2018-02-02
Abstract Electricity supply in Nigeria is often erratic. Consumers of electricity (residential, commercial and
industrial consumers) suffer untold hardships as the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) has
been unable to supply reliable power. This is despite massive injections of funds by the federal
government into the power sector over recent years. The failure has significantly impacted negatively on
the operations of the business sector especially the small and medium scale enterprises that operates with
little capital and are thus in most cases unable to afford a back-up facility to ensure un-interrupted power
supply for their operations. The study therefore examined the impact of deficit electricity supply to small
and medium scale enterprises in Kano-Nigeria. Population of the study is 1286 which is the number of
registered small and medium scale enterprises in Kano, a sample size of 50 respondents was selected
through the use of stratified random sampling to ensure effective representation of the population of small
and medium scale enterprises in Kano-Nigeria. Results from data analysis indicates the severity of
electricity supply outages and the costs imposed by power supply outages on the operation of small and
medium scale enterprises. The paper therefore recommends the need for policy attention towards
revitalizing the electricity sector of Nigeria for enhanced supply of electricity to the national economy.
When this is achieved, the small and medium scale enterprises will be in a position to effectively lead in
the drive towards industrializing the Nigerian economy

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Arts, Languages and Business Studies (IJALBS), Vol.6; April, 2021; pg. 100 - 1115
Publication Authors ANDREW IWEKA
Year Published 2021-04-04
Abstract The study examined the influence of online advertising on perceived preference behaviour for tourism
products. The research used descriptive study that adopted online survey using 204 copies of well structured,
closed ended questionnaire of 5-point Likert scale to illicit responses. The unit of the population consisted
of staff and tourists of selected Hotels in Oshimili South, Delta State. The data were analysed with the help
of Pearson product moment correlation to determine the relationship existing among variables.. The results
indicate that there is a strong relationship between perceived value of online interaction and online
behaviour. It further showed that there is a strong influence of level of technology expertise and online
perceived behaviour of tourism products. There is a moderate correlation between goal impediments and
online perceived behaviour toward tourism products.. There is also a strong correlation between availability
of broadband internet connection and online perceived behavior. Even ease of access to computer relates to
perceived behaviour of tourism product. It however concluded that the study, online advertising has strong
influence on consumer preference for tourism product.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Universal Journal of Management and Social Sciences Vol. 3, No.1; January 2013
Publication Authors *EDEREWHEVBE, Ighoteguonor Godfrey1 , IWEKA, Andrew Ngozi1 , & OGBONNA, Ubani Benson
Year Published 2023-01-01
Abstract This study examined the effect of market segmentation on global marketing. A conceptual overview
was done to X-ray the concept of globalization and global marketing. This study indicated that
globalization is the development of increasingly integrated system and relations beyond the national
borders. Thus, such system and relations are more than economic, they also include political,
cultural, and technological. On the other hand, Global marketing refers to marketing activities
integrated across multiple country markets. The integration can take the form of standardized
products, uniform packaging, identical brand names, synchronized product introductions, similar
advertising messages, or coordinated sale campaigns across markets in several countries. Moreover,
the study showed that, for effective market segmentation in global marketing, the following
requirements or criteria are necessary. They are; Accessibility, Actionability, Sizeable, measurability,
substantial, etc. Furthermore, this study established the basis for global market segmentation.
These include, geographical, demographic, psychographic, behavioural and benefit segmentation.
The findings revealed that for a firm to succeed in global marketing, “Firms must look before they
leap”. Beside, the study showed that the effect of market segmentation on global marketing are
enormous. Market segmentation makes a firm to know the actual market with homogenous
(similar) needs and wants that the firm wants to reach with its available resource in the global
market. Moreover, it enables firms to reduce cost, since the firms will only focus with the segments
having similar characteristics. Furthermore, it ensures that firms, product offering are tailored to a
specific segment, thus, enhancing customer satisfaction in the global market. Based on the findings,
the following recommendations were made. Firms should always segment their market before
entering the global market. Moreover, firms should not see geographical segmentation as the only
basis for segmenting a market globally. Other factors like; behavioural, demographic etc should also
be employed.

Publication Type journal
Publisher Polac Int’l Journal of Economics and Mgt Science, 2018, Vol. 4 (1) ISSN: 2465-7428
Year Published 2018-02-02
Abstract Promotion is one of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. The most fashionable item of promotion
mix is advertising. Online advertisement is more attractive to the consumer as it uses various
ways to advertise ideas most especially with the growing number of people that uses the
social media in particular make it very easy to capture the targeted market. The study helps
the advertisers to understand the benefits of online advertising. The purpose of the study is
the effects of online advertisement on consumer behaviour from the perspective of Nigeria
police academy cadets. The variables identified in the study together with their various
dimension were measured using a five point Likert scale. Pearson Correlation was used to
test each of the variables. A one-tailed multivariate analysis was done using SPSS statistical
software, data were collected from 40 respondents. The result shows that advertising,
accessibility, and entertainment derived have positive impact on intention to continue seeking
online advertising.
Publication Title Analysis of Factors That Influence Consumers’ Acceptance Of Local Rice In South East Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal Vol.85, 2022
Paper Link DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/85-08
Publication Authors Iweka, Andrew Ngozi, Ph.D 1* Prof. Nwaizugbo, Ireneus C. Ph.D
Year Published 2022-06-28
Abstract This study examines the variables that influence consumers’ acceptance of local rice in South East Nigeria from
the perspectives of trust in technology processing and marketing factors. The research will cross sectional
survey and correlational evidence from household consumers of rice where data required for the study were
generated with the instrument of questionnaire. A sample of 400 respondents was elicited from a finite
population of household rice consumers’ resident in the five (5) South East Nigeria using a stratified random
sampling and purposive non probability sampling techniques. Of this number, 366 copies were usable. The data
were cross tabulated and analysed with descriptive statistics and the hypotheses were tested with Pearson
product moment Correlation (PPMC) and multiple Regression. Findings indicate that trust in technology of
processing and marketing factors influence consumers’ acceptance of local rice. However, marketing factors
have more influence than trust in technology of processes. The study therefore recommends that given the
increasing importance of technology, it would be interesting that a modern and automated milling sector be
developed alongside the small, private milling sector. This will be able to carter for the production needs for
increased quality rice production of which consumers are interested in. In addition, government should lay a
concrete plan for local rice production and marketing, involving private sector investment in efficient rice
processing using mini rice meals with built in capacity for the stoning, polishing and sorting homogenous high
quality rice.
Publication Title An Investigation into the Antecedents of Overall Attitude toward General Advertising

Publication Type journal
Publisher European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol.6, No.5, 2014
Publication Authors Nwaizugbo, Ireneus C (Corresponding author)
Year Published 2014-05-05
Abstract The study, an investigation into the antecedents of overall attitude towards advertising in general focused on the
factors that influence consumers’ perceived attitude towards advertising characteristics. The research effort is
geared towards examining whether the institution of advertising and instrument of advertising are important
construct in the study of overall attitude towards advertising in general. Cross sectional survey research with
descriptive design was used. The principal instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The
instrument contained questions with multiple indicators relating to attitude towards advertising instrument,
advertising institution and overall attitude towards advertising in general. Copies were administered to a
convenience sample of 250 respondents. Out of the 180 instrument returned, only 147 copies were found valid
hence used for analyses. All hypotheses were tested at 0.01 levels of significance using Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r). The findings revealed that there was a joint contribution of the
components of advertising institution and advertising instrument to overall attitude towards general advertising.
This result is an indication that attitude towards advertising is a mediating variable through which advertising
influences brand attitude and purchase intention. It is then concluded that attitude to advertising institution and
advertising instrument are strongly predictors of overall attitude to general advertising. Since the research did not
involve consumer characteristics of socio-demographic variable to determine its influence on overall attitude,
there is need to recognize that future research in such area is necessary

Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Entrepreneurship Research & Development (JERD), Vol 2 No. 1 June; 2024
Publication Authors Iweka, Andrew Ngozi and Ebomah, Ernest Monday
Year Published 2024-06-06
Abstract Many developing economies around the world are faced with the
challenges of environmental degradation. The risk associated with this
scenario is high and it has continued to attract unprecedented research
attention from scholars and researchers. Arising from this, this study
examined the psychographic influence of green entrepreneurial marketing on
environmental degradation control. This study was conducted at the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, Nigeria. It adopted survey design where
probability sampling technique was used to draw sample size of 384
respondents from the population of adult consumers in the study area.
Questionnaire instrument was employed to generate data from the
respondents. The data were analysed with the statistical tool of Pearson’s
correlation matrix at 0.01 significance level and alpha value of ? 0.05. The
results of the study proved significant with the coefficient values of 0.902 for
environmental concern and environmental degradation control, 0.914 for
environmental knowledge and environmental degradation control and 0.620
for altruism and environmental degradation control in the test results of
hypotheses 1, 2 and 3 at corresponding alpha values of 0.036 ? 0.05, 0.022 ?
0.05 and 0.004 ? 0.05. These analysis results showed very strong positive
linear relationship between the predictor and response variables in
hypotheses 1 and 2 and strong positive linear correlation between the
predictor and response variables in hypothesis 3. The study therefore
recommends that firms, customers, consumers, non-governmental agencies,
policy makers, government and every other stakeholder should be
environmentally conscious and committed to environmental friendliness for
environmental sustainability. Government and firms should intensify efforts
to create intense environmental awareness and knowledge in televisions,
radios, public places and through social media channels to reach to wide
audience on green practices, as well as sensitizing the people on the need for
green products, green production and green consumption to maintain a
healthy life environment. Environmental stakeholders should exhibit
altruistic behaviour to promote pro-environmental behaviour and
environmental welfare of others for sustainable environment. Government’s
support and commitment for environmental friendliness and sustainability
through its policies and laws is a necessary option to enhance environmental
consciousness, knowledge and altruistic behaviour.
Publication Title Influence of Digital shopping strategies on customer satisfaction in retail industries in Asaba Metropolis

Publication Type journal
Publisher Unidel Journal of Management Sciences (UJOMS) Volume 1 Issue 2. December 2024. ISSN 1116-1809
Publication Authors 1 Iweka, Andrew Ngozi, PhD, 2Boi, Lucky, 3Ossai, Theophilous Ossai
Year Published 2024-12-12
Abstract This study examined Influence of Digital shopping strategies on customer satisfaction on the
retail industry in Asaba. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between
dimensions of Digital shopping strategies (online product searching and online payment)
(repeat patronage) as a measures of customer satisfaction in the retail industry. The study
adopted the descriptive survey research design blended with co relational studies. The
population of this study consisted of online shoppers in Asaba metropolis with sample size of
342online shoppers used for the study. . A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data
from the respondents. The data collected were presented and analyzed using percentage and
frequency analysis, mean and standard deviation, while the Spearman Rank Order
Correlation Coefficient was used to test the formulated hypotheses The findings revealed that
there is significant relationship between online product searching and customer satisfaction
.The study equally discovered a significant relationship between online payment and
customer satisfaction in the retail industry. Based on these findings, it was concluded that
online shopping strategies significantly relate to customer satisfaction in the retail industry in
Asaba metropolis, and this relationship is significantly moderated by technology. Based on
the conclusion, it was recommended that retail outlets in Asaba should take advantage of
modern technology and provide a platform that encourages online shopping as this would
enhance customer satisfaction.